Our Story
We love every minute of our journey
An Idea is Born
An Idea is Born
Antler Basketry creates unique, individually designed antler baskets. Incoporating our spirituality, we express reverance for the Sacred Harmony: God, Mankind, and Nature. The deer, moose, elk, and buffalo give their gifts of antlers that we turn into baskets for you!
About the Artists

Richard J., is a member of the Iroquois Confederation, Oneida Tribe, and Turtle Clan. His Oneida name is "Loliwyantati" which means, "He Who Brings the Good Word." Woven into each basket are symbols of his Iroquois culture. The antler represents Leadership, as a sachem, or chief, wore antlers in his headdress as a symbol of his position. The basket is round representing the Circle of Life. Purple, if used, connotes Peace and each basket contains a turtle as Native Americans refer to Mother Earth as Turtle Island.
Each basket is "signed" with a metallic turtle. While being members of the Iroquois, Oneida tribe, the artists are, also, members of the Turtle Clan. The turtle is selected to be the artistic signature of the artists.
Other baskets available are "generic baskets" and do not reflect our Iroquois culture but still offer you the choices of your personal tastes.

Master Designer
Jason R., Rick's son, is also a member of the Iroquois Confederation and is the master driller of the spine holes found on each basket. After the holes are drilled, Jason, carefully weaves spining material, made from reed, which ultimately gives expression to the finished antler basket.
Jason has an eagle eye in finding a variety of antlers from many sources. Deer are common, but, he has located elk and moose antlers with various ages and conditions which render them prized specimens, in our collection, for you to consider for purchase..